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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Luke 2:52

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Luke 2:52

As I was starting to sit down to type out what I thought was pretty interesting after reading this verse, Daniel came up to me asking to make a coke icee.  My first response was to make him wait while I did what I wanted to do.  But this verse ran quickly through my mind again.  I am regularly shocked by how much he has grown in the past nine years.  As I looked at him I noticed, not only is he growing, but this entire body is changing.  He is becoming broad across the shoulders, his legs are getting more muscular, he is unbelievable!

I have to continue thinking, though....Is he growing in his relationships with God and other people?  Am I doing what he needs to see a great, forgiving, loving God? (I know that sometimes I can show him my version on Satan.)  Relationships are so hard for him.  They don't come naturally, but Daniel is very interested in having close relationships.  For example, Daniel's grandmother is one of his favorites.  But I would never had seen that coming.  Between the ages of 1 and 3, he wouldn't have anything to do with her.  Mom, smart even though she hurt for the lack of attention from him, didn't force the relationship.  She waited for him.  She made herself available when he was ready.  I know she was miserable waiting for him to decide to notice that she was there.  But when that switch flipped, he'll tell you, "Gramma's my biggest fan." He absolutely adores her.

As I continue thinking on all of this moving through my head, Jesus is the same way.  He wants so badly to have a relationship with us.  He is waiting for our relationship to grow in spiritual stature and to notice him.  Then we'll say, "Jesus is my biggest fan."

Monday, March 28, 2011

Curing Autism

I was asked if I would support research for curing Autism. This requires a lot of thought.  Do I want him to be different?  Of course I would love him if he were "normal".  But he isn't.  He is considered weird.  He isn't good at sports, looks funny when he runs, wouldn't be picked first for any team at P.E.  What would this cure do? Make him neurotypical? No, I wouldn't support that.  If it helped with the different sensitivities (such as to textures, light, sounds, movements), I would be first in line.  His brain is different, not wrong.  He needs extra help, not to be "fixed".  He needs extra do I.  Right now, we have to fight with the hyperfocusing on unusual subjects.  We work through having mastered an activity one week, just to have to work through a mental block the next week.  We have to explain why he can't act in a certain way (or make certain noises), so that he won't be laughed at.  We have to tell him that he can't tell other people what to say in a conversation and that other people don't memorize movies.  Which is fine for him, but they can't play by reinacting Star Wars word for word.  But he makes AMAZING connections! I know that if I put enough data in his "hard-drive", he will make connections that neurotypical people wouldn't. He will become a human internet.  I just have to pray..a lot.  What parent doesn't need to do that? Luckily, he is surrounded by family that loves the way he is, and go out of their way to meet him on his terms.  I have faith that the way his brain works will be HIGHLY saught after one day. He will be the one that everyone wants on their team.  He WILL experience being "picked first."

Monday, Monday!

Oh what a day and it isn't even noon yet!!!
Mac was up (3rd night in a row) with vomiting, so we went to the doctor.  He has acid reflux.  While the doctor was telling me all this, Gabe peed on the floor.  Then Gabe said, "O man! My flip-flop!"  (The doctor chuckled.  I am so glad he loves kids.)  But Gabe wasn't upset that he peed himself, he was upset that his flip-flop was wet.  I was able to get all 4 out relatively quickly, Yea!!!  Came home to wash Gabe's clothes to find that I put a hanger in the laundry when I changed it last night.  As frustrated as I am, I can't help but think that it would be funny if it happened to someone else.